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EU Environment Policy

Latest news on the environment policies of the European Union.

Brussels sets out 2025 fishing quotas for Baltic Sea 28 August 2024, 23:40 CET
The European Commission proposed fishing quotas for nine out of the ten stocks managed by the EU in the Baltic Sea Monday, responding to dire assessments in several fisheries.

EU's Nature Restoration Law enters into force 26 August 2024, 23:49 CET
The EU's Regulation on Nature Restoration, which sets binding targets to restore Europe's degraded ecosystems, entered into force on Sunday 18 August.

Brussels clarifies EU corporate sustainability reporting rules 07 August 2024, 23:56 CET
The EU Commission published a set of frequently asked questions Wednesday designed to support stakeholders in implementing the EU's corporate sustainability reporting rules.

EU right-to-repair directive enters into force 02 August 2024, 11:00 CET
The EU's directive on common rules which promote repair and reuse of goods and contribute to sustainable consumption entered into force on 30 July.

EU gives green light for digital labelling for fertilisers 24 July 2024, 00:22 CET
The EU Council gave the final go-ahead Monday to a regulation for QR or bar coding for fertiliser products. This is the last step in the EU's decision-making procedure.

AVERE E-Mobility Conference 2024 (Monaco, from 13 November 2024, 08:30 CET to 14 November 2024, 21:00 CET) —
The AVERE E-Mobility Conference 2024 will take place in Monaco on 13-14 November 2024.

EU nature restoration law gets final green light 20 June 2024, 11:50 CET
The EU Council gave the final green light Monday to measures which aim to restore at least 20 per cent of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, and all ecosystems in need of restoration by 2050.

Member States endorse ban of Bisphenol A in food contact materials 12 June 2024, 18:43 CET
EU states' endorsement Wednesday of a ban on Bisphenol A (BPA) in food contact materials (FCM) means that, after a phase-out period, the chemical can no longer be used in these products in the EU.

Final approval for EU's 'right-to-repair' directive 03 June 2024, 23:57 CET
The EU Council gave the go-ahead Thursday to a directive making it easier for consumers to seek repair instead of replacement and repair services will become more accessible and attractive.

Most of Europe's bathing waters remain safe 28 May 2024, 23:07 CET
The vast majority of bathing water sites in Europe met the EU's most stringent 'excellent' bathing quality standards in 2023, according to the latest annual Bathing Water report published Tuesday.

EU Methane Regulation to reduce harmful emissions from fossil fuels 28 May 2024, 22:53 CET
New EU rules to curb methane emissions from the energy sector became legislation Monday, introducing new requirements on measuring, reporting and verifying methane emissions in the sector.

Final approval for EU's Net-zero Industry Act 28 May 2024, 23:06 CET
The EU gave its final approval Monday to a regulation establishing a framework of measures to strengthen Europe's net-zero technology manufacturing ecosystem, known as the 'Net-zero Industry Act'.

Net-Zero Industry Act - guide 27 May 2024, 22:50 CET
The EU Council gave the final adoption of the Net-Zero Industry Act (NZIA) on 27 May, which puts the EU on track to strengthen its domestic manufacturing capacities of key clean technologies.

Final go-ahead for EU's corporate sustainability due diligence law 27 May 2024, 22:56 CET
The EU formally adopted the corporate sustainability due diligence directive Friday, imposing obligations on large companies regarding adverse impacts of their activities on human rights and environmental protection.

EU secures access to sustainable supply of critical raw materials 25 May 2024, 00:37 CET
The European Critical Raw Materials Act entered into force Thursday, with the aim of ensuring a diverse, secure, and sustainable supply of critical raw materials for the EU's industry.

Sales of pesticides in the EU down 10 pct in 2022 20 May 2024, 23:02 CET
There was a sharp downturn in the quantity of pesticides sold in the EU in 2022, according to data on sales of pesticides released recently by the EU's statistics agency Eurostat.

New EU Regulation on waste shipments enters into force 20 May 2024, 23:00 CET
New rules on waste shipments setting out stricter rules on export of waste to non-EU countries entered into force Monday, ensuring exported waste is treated in an environmentallysustainable way.

New EU environmental crime directive comes into force 17 May 2024, 23:39 CET
New rules to protect the environment through criminal law, with a comprehensive list of environmental offences addressing most serious breaches of environmental obligations, came into force Friday.

EU signs off on stricter CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles 13 May 2024, 23:52 CET
The EU Council adopted a regulation on CO2 emissions for heavy-duty vehicles Monday, amending existing rules to reduce CO2 emissions from road transport, with new targets for 2030, 2035 and 2040.

EU issues EUR 850m call for energy infrastructure projects 01 May 2024, 18:48 CET
The European Commission issued a new call for proposals for key cross-border EU energy infrastructure projects Tuesday worth up to EUR 850 million from the EU budget.

EU awards EUR 720m for renewable hydrogen production 01 May 2024, 23:36 CET
The EU Commission awarded nearly EUR 720m to seven renewable hydrogen projects in Europe Wednesday, selected through a first competitive bidding process under the European Hydrogen Bank.

20 airlines in EU probe into potential 'greenwashing' 30 April 2024, 18:09 CET
The EU Commission and a network of European consumer authorities began action Tuesday against 20 airlines for several types of potentially misleading claims about the sustainability of their activities.

MEPs update air quality law for a 'healthier, more sustainable future' 24 April 2024, 23:25 CET
MEPs adopted a provisional political agreement with EU states Wednesday on measures to improve Europe's air quality so it is no longer harmful to human health, natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

EU consumers' 'right to repair' becomes reality 23 April 2024, 23:56 CET
The European Parliament gave its formal go-ahead Tuesday to new 'right to repair' rules aimed at helping consumers repair their goods easily and make their products last longer.

Green light for energy performance of buildings law 12 April 2024, 22:19 CET
The EU Council formally adopted a revised directive on the energy performance of buildings Friday, with the aim of helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy poverty in the EU.