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Eurozone business downturn 'entrenched' in Germany: survey

03 August 2012, 12:45 CET
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(BRUSSELS) - Eurozone private sector activity contracted for the 10th time in 11 months in July, with data now consistently showing the downturn becoming "entrenched" in Germany, a key survey showed Friday.

The Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) compiled by business research firm Markit was stuck at 46.5 in July according to a final reading, indicating another month of contraction in activity.

"The final PMI data for July confirm the message from the earlier flash estimate that the eurozone continued to contract at a quarterly rate of approximately 0.6% in July, suggesting the region looks set for a second consecutive quarterly decline," Markit said.

"Some consolation can be gained from the fact that the steep rates of contraction in Italy and Spain are at least showing signs of bottoming out. Ireland also brings hope that the periphery can return to growth," added chief economist Chris Williamson.

"The big worry, however, is that the downturn in Germany may be becoming more entrenched," he said.

The readings showed manufacturing activity at a three-year low in July with Germany and France posting three-year-high rates of decline in this sector, while across the eurozone, job losses were at the sharpest rate since November 2009.

London-based analyst Howard Archer of IHS Global Insight said the results all told "reinforces our belief that the ECB will be trimming interest rates from 0.75% to 0.50% within the next couple of months."

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"Business downturn 'entrenched' in Germany"

Posted by Martin Yuille at 03 August 2012, 12:06 CET
Ordoliberalismus seems increasingly to be as ineffective as good old fashioned "Anglo-Saxon" neo-liberalism as a policy guide to restore markets and growth in Germany or the rest of the EU.

As ever, it's a matter of balance. Germany - and the EU - needs monetary discipline AND growth.

Growth does not mean fiscal laxity. That is not the recipe needed for the modern knowledge economy. The role of government is not so much today building roads and railways to escape recession. This is not the 1930s. Rather government - and the Commission - should be coordinating the construction of networks of knowledge workers, of industries, of public services. Coordination is cheap. Networks of people are cheap. Only specialised data networks are a little pricey (though peanuts compared with, say, road construction). But the efficiencies they permit can ensure that the investment will be paid back many times over. Networks mean cooperation and collaboration. The EU is the ideal global region to develop them more fully.

Networking Europe will provide the means of escape from recession and the route to sustainable prosperity for all our citizens.

Ordoliberalismus today threatens Germany and the EU with bankruptcy.

Angela - stop the stubbornness or go away.

Survey of "Business downturn 'entrenched' in Germany"

Posted by ross taylor at 27 November 2012, 08:47 CET
Networking Europe will provide the means of escape from recession and the route to sustainable prosperity for all the citizen. Ireland showing the hope that periphery can return to growth of business. It's big issue is been a downturn in germany can became more entrenched. Now Ordoliberalismus threatens Germany and the EU being bankrupt.Angela is the trait of being difficult to handle.