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Euro 'more important than Greece:' Dutch PM

04 November 2011, 17:53 CET
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(THE HAGUE) - Dutch Premier Mark Rutte said Friday the euro was "more important" than Greece remaining in the eurozone, but stressed Athens should retain the single currency and avoid default.

"We think it's of great importance to the whole of the eurozone that we prevent Greece from going bankrupt," Rutte said at a weekly press conference in The Hague following a cabinet meeting.

"But in the end, the euro is more important than Greece's membership of the eurozone," he said.

Rutte said it was "not his goal" for Greece to leave the eurozone, adding that should Greece abandon the euro, it would also mean leaving the European Union.

He also hailed Greece's "apparent" decision's to abandon the idea of holding a referendum on the country's latest EU debt bailout, a move which he called "bizarre."

He insisted that Greece should completely and "as soon as possible" implement the debt package agreed in Brussels late last month.

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