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Merkel and Monti to discuss Greece on Friday

15 February 2012, 01:53 CET
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(ROME) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel will discuss the crisis in Greece during talks with Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti in Rome on Friday, the latter said in an interview.

"This Friday German Chancellor Angela Merkel will come to Rome and we will have an in-depth dialogue," including on the situation in Greece, Monti told Sky Tg24 television on Tuesday.

Eurozone finance ministers on Tuesday put a new Greek bailout on hold after Athens failed to meet conditions set by lenders in return for a rescue package that Athens needs to avoid default.

Since taking power in November, Monti has pushed through a draconian austerity plan and is now hoping to perform a massive liberalisation program and reforms of the job market in the hope of future prosperity.

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