The European Commission Directorates-General
Enterprise and Industry DG
The Enterprise and Industry DG works to create an environment where enterprises thrive. It plays a major role in implementing the Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs. The DG pays particular interest to the needs of manufacturing industry and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Spokesperson for Enterprise and Industry:
Ton van Lierop
Tel: +32 2 296 6565
GSM: + 32 498 966 565
The Commissioners and their Spokespersons
Günter Verheugen is the Commission Vice President responsible for Enterprise and Industry, takes the lead on issues relating to free movement of goods. He also chairs the group of commissioners focused on improving competitiveness, which aims to coordinate measures across the commission to address the Unions main aims of improving growth and employment.
Spokesperson for Enterprise and Industry:
Ton van Lierop
Tel: +32 2 296 6565
GSM: + 32 498 966 565
European Parliament and EP Committees Press Contacts
Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE)
Press officer: Juliane KAMMER
Brussels: 32 2 28 32602 / 32 498 98 32 57
Strasbourg: 33 388 1 74005
Council of the European Union and Press Contacts
Competitiveness Council
The Competitiveness Council handles internal market, industry, research and competition -related issues.
Press officer for Competitiveness, (Internal market, Industry and Research)
Victor Flavian
Tel. +32 2 281 6715
GSM: +32 473 640 390