
Edubookers is a Dutch based Booking platform which offers training courses in all the Netherlands. Mostly offers discounts of 5 to 50 per cent.

Edubookers is the booking platform on which you can search for training courses and book directly. In this way you bring structure and overview into the search, booking and management of courses. With Edubookers, an employee has access to more than 70,000 training courses of more than 1,000 trainers in one convenient location. With this you will always find the best training for the best price. Employees easily book the training they want. From BHV to leadership. Edubookers guarantees the best price and ensures that the trainer provides the perfect training.

In addition, the courses have been assessed by more than 20,000 students, so that you always make the best choice!

Paul Schrama CEO: “We do everything for the customer! Every day we help students find the best training for the best price. We are 100% independent and offer the largest selection in the Netherlands, so that you are guaranteed to make the best choice. Everybody happy!

About Edubookers

We are A booking platform where people working in the Netherlands can quickly and easily search, find and book a course. You can compare between +70,000 courses, webinars and in-company courses at more than 1,000 of the best trainers in the Netherlands. You can find the best training courses for the cheapest price at We also completely relieve organizations: from searching and booking to financial settlement and evaluating training.

And that makes everyone in the organization happy, because we also save an average of 20% on the training budget! And not only because finding the desired training is so easy, but also because our revenue model is on the side of the trainer.

This means that we can largely be used by organizations for free. In short; Everybody Happy!

The solution in managing training

Edubookers is a Dutch based Booking platform which offers training courses in all the Netherlands. Mostly offers discounts of 5 to 50 per cent.

085 – 40 19 548


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