— last modified 21 January 2010 Personal consignments containing meat, milk or their products and brought into the EU continue to present a real threat to animal health throughout the…
Author: Ina Dimireva
— last modified 11 May 2010 The aim of the Community plant health regime is to prevent the introduction into the community of organisms harmful to plants or plant products…
— last modified 21 January 2010 Contacts of the European Commission Directorate-General for Health and Consumers. AdvertisementPostal address:European Commission Health & Consumers Directorate-General B 1049 Brussels BelgiumInformation Request Point
— last modified 21 January 2010 In the EU rules are put in place on the labelling of foodstuffs to enable European consumers to get comprehensive information on the contents…
— last modified 21 January 2010 The aim of the General Food Law Regulation is to provide a framework to ensure a coherent approach in the development of food legislation.…
— last modified 21 January 2010 CORNET – COllective Research NETworking is an ERA-NET in the field of Collective Research. Collective research programmes benefit all or most of the SMEs…
— last modified 21 January 2010 EraSME is a network of 18 national and regional research programmes supporting SMEs, currently supported under the Seventh Framework Programme. Started under the Sixth…
— last modified 21 January 2010 The major initiatives that favour the involvement of SMEs include selection of SME-relevant topics, SME dedicated calls, a budget earmarked for SMEs within specific…
— last modified 21 January 2010 A step-by-step guide on how SMEs can participate in FP7 research projects. AdvertisementGetting involved in FP7 Step 1. Identify relevant calls for proposals …
— last modified 21 January 2010 The aim is to strengthen the ‘innovation capacity’ of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe and their contribution to the development of new…