EuroCommerce, representing the European retail and wholesale sector, views the European Commission’s Vision for Agriculture and Food as a starting point towards shaping the future of our agri-food system. However, the association urges the Commission to better acknowledge change requires the entire food chain to work together.
The European Investment Bank Group announced Tuesday a EUR 3 billion financing package for agriculture, forestry and fisheries across Europe along with moves to bolster farm insurance.
The EU Council adopted a revision of the EU plant health law Monday, to improve the way the EU fights plant pests and ensure that the plants that enter the EU are safe.
Commission launches WTO consultations challenging China’s anti-subsidy investigation into EU dairy
The EU Commission proposed Monday EUR 119.7m direct support for farmers from Bulgaria, Germany, Estonia, Italy and Romania who have been impacted by recent exceptional adverse climatic events. In the…
— last modified 16 November 2023 EU Member States on 16 November did not reach the required qualified majority to renew or reject the approval of glyphosate during a vote…
— last modified 05 July 2023 The European Commission adopted on 5 July a package of measures for a sustainable use of key natural resources, which will also strengthen the…