The share of renewable energy sources in heating and cooling energy reached 26 per cent in the EU in 2023, according to figures released by the EU’s statistics agency Eurostat.
— last modified 17 October 2012 The European Commission has published a proposal to limit global land conversion for biofuel production, and raise the climate benefits of biofuels used in…
— last modified 04 October 2012 The standards of safety of nuclear power plants in Europe are generally high but further improvements in the safety features of almost all European…
— last modified 13 September 2012 Mandatory energy-saving measures, including renovating public buildings, energy-saving schemes for utilities, and energy audits for all large firms, will be required by an EU…
— last modified 24 May 2012 The European Commission has adopted a framework under which EU Member states may compensate some electro-intensive users, such as steel and aluminium producers, for…
— last modified 27 November 2011 Following the nuclear accident in Fukushima, the EU reacted swiftly and agreed on voluntary tests for all of its 143 nuclear power plants based…
— last modified 07 September 2011 The European Commission has adopted a Communication on security of energy supply and international cooperation, setting out for the first time a comprehensive strategy…