The 4th industrial revolution is forcing businesses to focus on a more digitalized business environment. That applies both to the client-side and also digitalizing the work for employees.

There is a lot of work that needs to be done if you are currently using systems that are not up to date with the current industry requirements. To help you simplify this process, here are the most important tips to consider when digitalizing your business:

On-boarding tech-savvy individuals for key positions

When you are running a business that is not digitalized, the current workforce in your employ may not be well equipped to digitalize the business. Thus, it is very important to source talent to help you reach the level you are aiming at.

The goals of each business differ on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, there are no rules on employing key personnel. Instead, you should assess the current situation the business is in and conduct a gap analysis. The analysis will help you identify the key areas that need improvement and indicate the need for adequate job skills.

Pursuing SOC-2 compliance

If you are a business that handles customer data, you should ensure that the operations involved in securing sensitive information meet SOC 2 compliance standards. Using JupiterOne’s systems can ensure that the business remains compliant and that it maintains crucial customer data is safe and secure.

Therefore, work on developing a SOC 2 compliance roadmap detailing the steps the business needs to take. Doing so can help you attract more customers and it will save more money in the long run.

The costs involved in remedying a successful cyberattack can be hefty. To avoid this unbecoming aftermath, adopting SOC 2 compliant systems can help you save expenses that would be used in remediating an attack.

Equipping employees with upgraded and updated tools

The most important asset your business possesses is the entire workforce under its employ. You should ensure that they are equipped with the right tools to accomplish their daily tasks. Once you have done that, train them on how to use them effectively by conducting hands-on training.

Above equipping the workforce with the adequate tools, ensure that they are on the same page with the overall goal of the company. Also, during the training of how to use the new tools, alert them of the role they are expected to fulfill in the business.

Implementing automation systems

Automation is a very important aspect of digitalizing the business because it can help take the burden off the rest of the staff. Automating systems such as cybersecurity can help resolve threats that abound in the cloud environment and the internet in less time.

You should also have an automated alerting system that is data-driven to weed out any false-positive alerts. Doing so can help the security experts deal with more imminent threats instead of ones that are not real.

Constantly touch base with employees

Employees will face gray areas where they might need clarification and you should be ready and available to offer any support they might require.

Furthermore, you should take a proactive approach and address issues that might arise in the future. Therefore, you should constantly touch base with the entire workforce to understand any issues they might be facing regarding the migration to a digitalized environment.

If you manage a large workforce, it might be prudent to meet with them in smaller teams to get each person’s feedback. Having the technically inclined key personnel can help with answering any questions the other employees might have.

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