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EU, Switzerland launch talks for closer relations

18 March 2024, 22:57 CET
EU, Switzerland launch talks for closer relations

Amherd - von der Leyen - Photo © European Union 2024

(BRUSSELS) - The European Union and Switzerland launched negotiations Monday on a broad package of measures aimed at deepening and expanding the EU-Switzerland relationship.

The EU's aim for the talks is to ensure a level playing field for competition between EU and Swiss companies operating within the EU internal market, and to guarantee protection of EU citizens' rights working in Switzerland, including non-discrimination between citizens of different EU Member States.

At a meeting with Switzerland's president Viola Amherd, Commission president Ursula von der Leyen welcomed the rapprochement as "great news for the mutual benefit of European and Swiss citizens and businesses. I look forward for the finalisation of the negotiations this year to bring us even closer together allowing both sides to fully benefit from the potential of our relationship," she said.

Key elements of the package include:

  • Institutional provisions to be included in existing and future agreements with Switzerland related to the EU internal market, providing for dynamic alignment with EU law, its uniform interpretation and application, and dispute settlement;
  • State aid provisions in several existing and in future agreements with Switzerland related to the internal market;
  • An agreement allowing for Switzerland's participation in EU programmes, including Horizon Europe;
  • An agreement on Switzerland's regular and permanent financial contribution to social and economic cohesion in the EU as a counterpart to its participation in the internal market;
  • A relaunch of negotiations towards agreements on electricity, food safety and health and on the participation of Switzerland in the European Union Agencies for the Space Programme and for Railways.

Folowing launch of the talks, the Commission has opened the possibility for Swiss entities to apply for the European Research Council calls opening in 2024. Swiss applicants will be treated as if Switzerland is an associated country from admissibility and eligibility to evaluation, up until the preparation of grant agreements, says the EU executive.

The EU is Switzerland's first trading partner, while Switzerland is the fourth largest partner for the EU. About one and a half million EU citizens live in Switzerland, and around 450 000 Swiss citizens live in the EU. A few hundred thousand of EU citizens cross the border daily to work.

Questions and answers on the mandate for broad package negotiations with Switzerland

EU-Switzerland: Council adopts mandate for negotiations on future relationship

Commission proposes mandate for negotiations with Switzerland to Council

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