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Greek president hopeful ahead of EU summit

26 June 2012, 17:37 CET
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(ATHENS) - Greek President Carolos Papoulias on Tuesday expressed hopes that a critical EU summit this week will help Greece as the debt-stricken nation prepares to outline its plans to review an EU-IMF bailout.

"We hope it will be a positive summit, not only for Greece but also for the rest of the European south and the entire world," Papoulias said as he welcomed a group of Greek-American students at the presidential mansion.

Papoulias also criticised reports that portray Greeks as lazy.

"In reality we work much more than those who criticise us unfairly," he said, underlining the history of hard-working Greek emigrants.

Greece's new coalition government, formed after the June 17 elections, hopes to renegotiate the harsh terms of the loan agreements that have kept Greek economy alive for two years.

The 83-year-old Papoulias will lead a Greek delegation that will include current Finance Minister George Zanias and Foreign Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos.

Former banker Yannis Stournaras, named finance minister on Tuesday after bank chief Vassilis Rapanos turned down the post for health reasons, will not be attending as he has yet to be sworn in.

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