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Assessing the exposure of EU27 regions and cities to the UK's withdrawal from the European Union - European Committee of the Regions
The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) published a report on 20 March detailing the consequences of Brexit on trade and the economy in the EU27 regions ... last modified 22 March 2018, 13:13 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
50 years of the European Social Fund
On 28 June 2007, in Potsdam, Germany, a high-level event to mark the official 50th birthday of the European Social Fund (ESF) brought together EU Ministers and ... last modified 28 June 2007, 15:33 CET — filed under: , , , , — Relevance: 1%
DG REGIO has just published the latest issue of its monthly newsletter. The newsletter is available in the 19 official languages. Table of contents : - ... last modified 06 September 2007, 17:52 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
Harnessing Talent in Europe's Regions and the Demography Report - guide
The European Commission launched on 17 January the 'Talent Booster Mechanism'. This Mechanism will support EU regions affected by the accelerated decline of ... last modified 17 January 2023, 19:08 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Cohesion policy for 2014-2020 must keep a clear focus on SMEs
The new cohesion policy for 2014-2020 must closely associate economic and social partners in programming at all levels, including in the identification of ... last modified 15 March 2012, 20:47 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Eurostat regional yearbook 2017
Statistical information is an important tool for understanding and quantifying the impact of political decisions in a specific territory or region. The ... last modified 14 September 2017, 23:01 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) is a united response to challenges affecting an area which stretches from the Black Forest to the Black Sea, ... last modified 10 April 2013, 21:31 CET — filed under: , , , , — Relevance: 1%
An Urban Agenda for Europe
Europe's cities are the engines of its economy, providing jobs and services, and they serve as hubs that catalyse creativity and innovation. Almost 70% of the ... last modified 04 June 2015, 17:01 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
Border Focal Point - forum of experts to overcome cross border obstacles
To unlock the full economic potential of EU border regions, home to 150 million citizens, the European Commission has launched the "Border Focal Point". It ... last modified 22 September 2017, 12:02 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
Drugs policy and the city in Europe - EMCDDA Papers
Illicit drug problems and responses and the different forms they can take in the city environment are explored in this paper. It addresses four areas: urban ... last modified 25 June 2015, 15:49 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
MEPs give green light to legislation to boost EU chips industry
The European Parliament gave the green light Tuesday to plans to secure the EU’s supply of chips by boosting production and innovation, and establishing ... last modified 11 July 2023, 23:36 CET — filed under: , , , , — Relevance: 1%
Brussels adopts greener state aid guidelines for EU regions
The Commission revised its regional state aid guidelines Monday, setting out the rules under which EU states can grant aid to companies to support economic ... last modified 19 April 2021, 23:37 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
EU reaches deal to protect local craft products
EU Parliament and Council negotiators agreed Wednesday on a new scheme to protect the 'geographical indication' of traditional crafts such as textiles, ... last modified 03 May 2023, 23:46 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Regions and local development
EU grants and loans in the field of regions and local development - Disaster assistance - Regional Development Fund - Regional policy last modified 18 April 2011, 00:06 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
The Cohesion Fund is aimed at Member States whose Gross National Income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the Community average. It serves to reduce ... last modified 13 January 2013, 19:07 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
Renewed strategy for the outermost regions - guide
The European Commission adopted on 3 May a renewed Strategy for the most remote parts of the EU, the so-called outermost regions, aiming to unlock their ... last modified 06 May 2022, 00:08 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
The ERDF aims to strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting imbalances between its regions. In short, the ERDF finances: ... last modified 13 January 2013, 19:09 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
The Commission is working together with cities to ensure a good quality of life. See how the Commission helps cities to grow sustainably through sharing of ... last modified 30 November 2017, 14:25 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
Investment boost for the development of sustainable cities
The European Commission and European Investment Bank launched Tuesday a new advisory service to help cities plan investments to support urban development and ... last modified 30 November 2017, 14:28 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Since 2010, the EU Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) has been measuring the major factors of competitiveness for all the NUTS-2 level regions across the ... last modified 28 March 2023, 16:06 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
8th Cohesion Report - guide
The 8th Cohesion Report published by the Commission shows that Cohesion policy has helped to narrow territorial and social disparities between regions in the ... last modified 09 February 2022, 23:34 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
Regional inequalities shrink through EU cohesion policy
GDP per capita of less developed regions in the EU is expected to increase by up to 5% by 2023, as regional disparities narrow as a result of its cohesion ... last modified 10 February 2022, 18:29 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
The importance of the EU's cohesion policy
The direction of the EU's cohesion - or regional - policy was debated by EU ministers this week, as the Commission prepares plans for a new policy post-2020. last modified 12 April 2018, 23:46 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
EU launches EUR 122m call for innovation ecosystems
The EU made EUR 122m available Wednesday under the 'European Innovation Ecosystems' initiative, whose aim is to strengthen European innovation ecosystems and ... last modified 17 May 2023, 17:31 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
Through Cohesion Policy funding, the EU invests approximately €50 billion each year in economic development at the national and regional level (around 34% of ... last modified 23 July 2014, 22:38 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
Cohesion policy: Strategic report 2012-2013 on the implementation of the current round of programmes 2007-2013
The European Commission has presented an overview of how EU Structural Funds are working in Member States. The ‘Strategic Report’ on the implementation of ... last modified 18 April 2013, 13:54 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
JASPERS (Joint Assistance to Support Projects in European RegionS) is a major joint policy initiative of the EIB, European Commission (DG REGIO) and the ... last modified 31 July 2006, 21:32 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
European System of national and regional accounts in the Community
The purpose of this Regulation is to make available comparable, up-to-date and reliable information on the structure and developments in the economic situation ... last modified 10 June 2010, 10:13 CET — filed under: , , , , , , , , — Relevance: 1%
The 5th OPEN DAYS-European Week of Regions and Cities was held between 8 and 11 October 2007 in Brussels for about 5,000 expected regional policy experts and ... last modified 09 October 2007, 19:43 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
Regional competitiveness is the ability of a region to offer an attractive and sustainable environment for firms and residents to live and work. Launched in ... last modified 03 March 2017, 12:38 CET — filed under: , — Relevance: 1%
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The Week Ahead no. 644
EU support for Ukraine - EU position for UN conferences on climate change and biodiversity - wholesale electricity prices and winter preparedness - Middle East - Lebanon

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