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Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights
EU grants and loans in the field of Justice, home affairs and citizens' rights - Citizenship - Immigration - Justice - Security and Fundamental Rights last modified 17 April 2011, 23:52 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
Europe for Citizens - EU grants and loans in the field of citizenship last modified 13 January 2013, 19:23 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
Funding opportunities in the Justice policy areas last modified 13 January 2013, 19:17 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
Recognition and execution of confiscation orders in the EU
The EU is facilitating the direct execution of confiscation orders for the proceeds of crime by establishing simplified procedures for recognition among Member ... last modified 21 December 2009, 20:16 CET — filed under: , , , , , — Relevance: 1%
EU Attorneys General want to unify criteria to combat cross-border crime
EU attorneys general are considering the creation of a consultative forum which would enable them to unify criteria and advance towards a common European ... last modified 20 May 2010, 23:17 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Decision establishing Eurojust
In order to improve cooperation in the fight against crime, the Council set up Eurojust. This body of the EU is competent to act in investigations and ... last modified 25 April 2015, 14:32 CET — filed under: , , , , , , — Relevance: 1%
Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council
The Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council brings together Justice ministers and Interior ministers about once every two months to discuss the development and ... last modified 25 September 2009, 23:05 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Commission plan to deliver justice, freedom and security to citizens
European leaders endorsed 170 initiatives last December known as the Stockholm Programme. The measures are aimed at creating a genuine European area of ... last modified 22 April 2010, 23:39 CET — filed under: , , — Relevance: 1%
Commission initiatives to bring more security to Europeans
European leaders endorsed 170 initiatives last December known as the Stockholm Programme, aimed at creating a genuine European area of freedom, security and ... last modified 22 April 2010, 23:39 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
EC outlines plan to improve mobility within the EU
European leaders endorsed 170 initiatives last December known as the Stockholm Programme. The measures are aimed at creating a genuine European area of ... last modified 22 April 2010, 23:38 CET — filed under: , , , — Relevance: 1%
The European Commission has a new, revamped Justice website. Available in 23 EU languages, the new website allows users to easily surf through 11 themes ... last modified 06 October 2011, 16:15 CET — filed under: — Relevance: 1%
External Borders Fund (2007-2013)
As part of the general programme “Solidarity and management of migration flows”, Decision No 574/2007/EC establishes the External Borders Fund (EBF) for the ... last modified 03 February 2010, 17:54 CET — filed under: , , , , , , , , — Relevance: 1%
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The Week Ahead no. 635
EU Fusion Business Forum - EU Cancer Mission - Annual Report on Taxation Event 2024

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