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Crime in the EU

European Union crime and justice policy - European judicial cooperation in criminal matters - EU initiatives in in preventing and combating crime in Europe.

EU law to combat violence against women enters into force 13 June 2024, 23:22 CET
The first ever EU rules on combating violence against women and domestic violence, which affects an estimated one in three of the 228 million women in the EU, entered into force Thursday.

New EU environmental crime directive comes into force 17 May 2024, 23:39 CET
New rules to protect the environment through criminal law, with a comprehensive list of environmental offences addressing most serious breaches of environmental obligations, came into force Friday.

New EU law tackles violence against women 09 May 2024, 00:57 CET
The EU Council gave the green light Tuesday to a ground-breaking EU directive to combat violence against women and domestic violence.

Green light for EU rules to combat money-laundering 24 April 2024, 23:39 CET
The EU Parliament adopted a package of laws Wednesday to strengthen the EU’s fight against money-laundering and terrorist financing, including a new agency to oversee riskiest entities.

EU passes new law on environmental crime 03 April 2024, 00:33 CET
The EU Council formally adopted Wednesday a new law to protect the environment through criminal law, to improve the investigation and prosecution of environmental crime offences.

EU guidelines to guard against 'systemic risks' online for Euro-elections 27 March 2024, 23:35 CET
The Commission published guidelines Tuesday to help large online platforms mitigate systemic risks online that may impact the integrity of upcoming elections.

EU set for tighter rules on gun control 14 March 2024, 18:14 CET
The European Parliament and EU Council reached provisional political agreement Thursday on an updating of rules to trace import and export of civilian firearms more effectively.

EU transfer of proceedings law to help fight cross-border crime 07 March 2024, 22:56 CET
The Belgian EU presidency and European Parliament reached political agreement Wednesday on a proposed EU law related to the transfer of proceedings in criminal matters.

EU moves to bolster cyber security capacities 06 March 2024, 23:40 CET
The EU Parliament and Council reached provisional agreement Wednesday on the Cyber Solidarity Act to strengthen the EU's capacities to prepare for, detect and respond to cybersecurity threats.

Euro-Parliament extends list of environmental crimes 27 February 2024, 22:52 CET
MEPs extended the list of environmental crimes Tuesday to include illegal timber trade, depletion of water resources, and serious breaches of EU chemicals legislation and pollution caused by ships.

EU beefs up fight against money laundering, terrorist financing 18 January 2024, 23:03 CET
The European Parliament finalised a deal with the EU Council Thursday on new measures to beef up an EU toolkit to fight money laundering, terrorist financing and sanctions evasion.

EU tightens cybersecurity defence around its institutions 08 January 2024, 18:35 CET
The EU's new cybersecurity regulation which lays down measures for a high level of common cybersecurity at the Union's institutions, bodies, offices and agencies came into force on 7 January.

New EU rules on cross-border payments in force 1 January 03 January 2024, 23:21 CET
New transparency rules on cross-border payments designed to help EU Member States' tax administrations crack down on Value-Added Tax (VAT) fraud came into force on 1 January.

EU sets up new authority to combat money laundering 14 December 2023, 22:58 CET
The European Parliament and EU Council reached provisional agreement Wednesday to create a new European authority for countering money laundering and financing of terrorism (AMLA).

EU agrees tougher rules on freezing and confiscating criminal assets 12 December 2023, 22:58 CET
EU Parliament and Council negotiators reached a political agreement Tuesday on EU-wide minimum rules on the tracing, identification, freezing, confiscation and management of criminal property.

EU to strengthen criminal law response to environment crimes 16 November 2023, 20:49 CET
EU Parliament and Council negotiators reached a provisional agreement Thursday on an update of EU environmental crimes and sanctions rules to strengthen ecosystem protection.

Horizon Europe deadlines extended following Hamas' terrorist attacks on Israel 18 October 2023, 23:49 CET
Following Hamas' terrorist attacks across Israel, the Commission decided Wednesday for an exceptional extension of several Horizon Europe call cut-off dates, allowing more time to submit applications.

Commission advances towards enhanced Code of Conduct on countering illegal hate speech online 12 October 2023, 23:52 CET
An EU Commission High-Level Group concluded Wednesday a two-day discussion on combating hate speech and hate crime, which was dedicated to tackling hatred and intolerance.

Green light for EU law to boost judicial cooperation on terrorism cases 19 September 2023, 16:46 CET
The EU Council gave its final green light Monday to a law to boost information sharing between states and Eurojust, allowing significant progress in the prosecution of terrorism offences.

Boost for cybersecurity in the EU institutions 26 June 2023, 23:47 CET
The EU Parliament and Council reached political agreement Monday on a regulation aimed at ensuring a high common level of cybersecurity across the EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies.

MEPs seek to curb use of spyware 19 June 2023, 17:36 CET
Following a year-long investigation into the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware, the European Parliament outlined Thursday reforms deems necessary to curb spyware abuse.

MEPs vote to speed up recovery of criminal assets 24 May 2023, 00:13 CET
MEPs in committee approved new legislation on seizing criminal assets Tuesday to ensure fast and efficient freezing operations everywhere in the EU, and quicker compensation for victims.

EU targets corruption crime in Europe and worldwide 04 May 2023, 22:10 CET
The Commission set out Wednesday a raft of new rules criminalising corruption offences and harmonising penalties across the EU, as well as a sanctions regime to target serious acts of corruption worldwide.

EU proposes new rules on transfer of criminal proceedings 07 April 2023, 00:10 CET
The European Commission adopted a proposal Thursday for a Regulation which aims to harmonise the rules on transfer of criminal proceedings between EU Member States.

Schengen info systems upgrade now in force 07 March 2023, 22:18 CET
A strengthened Schengen Information System (SIS) entered into operation Tuesday, with more complete and reliable information to enhance security and border management in Europe.