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Energy Policy in the EU

Latest news on the energy policy of the European Union.

EU energy policies 08 August 2006, 13:10 CET
European Commission Energy website covering coal, oil, gas, electricity and nuclear energy, as well as issues such as new and renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

2nd Annual European Energy Policy Conference 2006 (Brussels, from 16 October 2006, 09:00 CET to 17 October 2006, 18:00 CET) —
Aimed at all stakeholders in the energy debate, the 2nd Annual European Energy Policy Conference is part of a 5-year commitment to the development of debate and critical discussion on the issues surrounding the energy industry, energy policy, sustainability and relations with the wider stakeholder constituency.

Electricity and the EU 07 August 2006, 17:48 CET
Recent European Union legislation means that, from July 2007 at the latest, all consumers will be free to shop around for gas and electricity supplies. At the same time, the European Union is working to ensure that infrastructure, such as electricity and gas transmission networks, is improved, to transport energy as efficiently as possible to where it is needed. Regulators have been established in each EU country to ensure that suppliers and network companies operate correctly and provide the services promised to their customers. The European Commission is monitoring closely the market identifying obstacles and shortcomings.

CADDET - energy technologies research 03 January 2007, 18:44 CET
The CADDET (centre for the analysis and dissemination of demonstrated energy technologies) initiative has launched a new web service comprising a one-stop-shop to information on sustainable energy technologies and projects. CADDET brings together the countries participating in the International Energy Agency (all 15 EU Member States, two acceding countries, and others), and the European Commission. Its aim is to provide the latest information on innovative energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies that have been applied in a commercial environment, and ultimately to promote their widespread uptake by the market. The new site allows users to search products, specifying individual technologies, countries or market sectors.

EU policies on new and renewable energies 05 August 2006, 23:12 CET
New and Renewable Energies - European Commission web site. The development of renewable energy - particularly energy from wind, water, solar power and biomass - is a central aim of the European Commission's energy policy.

Concentrating Solar Power 31 July 2006, 18:33 CET
Main New and Renewable Energies projects supported by the European Commission