— last modified 25 February 2010

A list of key EU legal terminology: T


Tampere European Council

In October 1999 the Tampere European Council adopted a comprehensive approach to put into practice the new political framework established by the Treaty of Amsterdam in the area of Justice and Home Affairs. The European Council set ambitious objectives and deadlines for action in all relevant areas, including asylum and immigration, police and justice cooperation and fight against crime.

Tampere Summit

EU leaders agreed in Tampere in Finland in October 1999 a series of concrete steps to create a genuine European area of freedom, security and justice.

Temporary protection

People sometimes need temporary protection after being temporarily displaced from their homes, e.g. Kosovo in 1999. The EU adopted a directive on temporary protection in July 2001.


Fighting terrorism part of the EU police office, Europol’s, mandate. The Council has also adopted a framework decision for a common definition of, and sanctions against, terrorism.


The act of giving evidence in judicial proceedings. It is increasingly possible to give evidence in another Member State via videoconferencing.

‘The four freedoms’

This refers to the free movement of goods, services, people and capital – the original ‘raison d’etre’ of the European Community.

The Hague Conference

This is an ongoing conference in which the EU takes part, which drafts conventions on civil, commercial and family law.

The Hague programme

The Tampere programme, adopted at the Tampere European Council in 1999, set the agenda for work in the area of Justice and Home Affairs for the period 1999-2004. Likewise, the European Council adopted in 2004 the Hague programme, which covers the period 2005-2010, and provides, among others, for the continuation of the efforts in establishing common European asylum and immigration policies.

Third country

Any country that is not a Member State of the EU.

Third-country national

Any person who is not a national of an EU Member State.

Third-country residents

A person who is not a national of an EU country but is legally residing in a Member State. They have the right to travel freely around the EU.

Title IV EC treaty – Title VI EU treaty

The legal bases for EU legislation on justice and home affairs. Title IV of the European Community Treaty covers free circulation of persons, asylum, immigration and judicial cooperation in civil matters. The European Community institutions are fully involved in the decision-making process. Title VI of the European Union Treaty covers police and customs cooperation and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The decision-making process is of the ‘intergovernmental’ type.

Treatment of refugees

The EU supports the 1951 Geneva Convention, which requires all refugees to be given adequate protection.

Source: European Commission – Justice and Home Affairs


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