EU Council and European Parliament negotiators have reached a provisional political agreement on modernised new driving licence rules, introducing a mobile licence, a probation period for new drivers, and ‘accompanied’ driving.

The aim of the new Directive on driving licences is to reduce the number of crashes on EU roads and to cut undue burdens on citizens and authorities related to administrative procedures.
Key elements of the directive include introduction of digital EU driving licences that can be accessed on mobile phones or other digital devices, and used throughout the entire EU. As part of the move to digitalisation, the EU co-legislators have decided to establish the legal framework for an EU-wide mutually recognised mobile driving license.
However, the legislators have agreed that these provisions should be delayed until 2030.
An EU-wide accompanied driving scheme is to be introduced for 17-year-old drivers, a measure that has been proven to significantly improve road safety. This scheme may also be extended to 17-year-old lorry drivers under certain conditions.
The new Directive includes an EU-wide probationary period for novice drivers, a measure aiming to reduce the risk of crashes among new drivers. Given that 2 out of 5 fatal collisions involve drivers under 30, this measure is seen as particularly important. The Directive will also introduce new requirements on physical and mental fitness to drive.
The safety of pedestrians, cyclists, scooters, and other micromobility users is a priority in the new Directive. Drivers will need to prove their risk awareness of these vulnerable road users, when taking their theory and practical tests. The new rules will also enable the recognition of licences issued in specific third countries that have a road safety framework similar to the EU.
“These revised rules on driving licences are an excellent example of how widespread digitalisation is in the lives of Europeans,” said Poland’s infrastructure minister Dariusz Klimczak, for the EU presidency: “Thanks to this update, the rules on and issuing of driving licences will be smarter, more inclusive and fully adapted to our digital society, while at the same time ensuring an important positive impact on the EU’s road safety.”
The European Parliament and the Council will now formally adopt the new Directive, which will enter into force 20 days after publication in the Official Journal of the EU. The EU Member States will have four years to transpose the Directive into national legislation.
Directive on driving licences, Council’s general approach, 4 December 2023