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Nick Prag

Time to speed up climate action 26 September 2019, 22:03 CET
At this week's climate change summit in New York, the EU Council president Donald Tusk said Europe had already done much on the road to becoming climate neutral, but that it needed "to go further and faster".

The importance of trade deals 14 February 2019, 23:55 CET
An important milestone for the EU's negotiations of various trade deals around the world this week, as MEPs gave their green light to the trade and investment agreement between the EU and Singapore.

The importance of the EU's cohesion policy 12 April 2018, 23:46 CET
The direction of the EU's cohesion - or regional - policy was debated by EU ministers this week, as the Commission prepares plans for a new policy post-2020.

25 years of the EU's Single Market - time to celebrate 22 March 2018, 23:50 CET
As Britain's leaders persist on a course to exit the EU Single Market, it is difficult to point to any benefits in doing so. This week the EU celebrates the Single Market's 25th anniversary. Rightly so.

Turkish repression under EU scrutiny 08 February 2018, 22:59 CET
Strong condemnation of the Turkish regime this week from the European Parliament as MEPs denounced the arrests by the Turkish government as it attempts to censor criticism over its military assault of Afrin in Syria.

Member States and businesses not doing enough for GDPR 01 February 2018, 23:46 CET
With only a few months left before the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) comes into force, many businesses and EU Member States are not doing enough to prepare.

Europe ends 2017 stronger in face of Brexit, Trump and the far-right 21 December 2017, 12:37 CET
2017 has been a year of unprecedented challenges for Europe, both global and domestic.

Focusing on the rights of disabled people 07 December 2017, 23:19 CET
The European Day of Disabilities started this week off, to focus on the rights and needs of of people with disabilities, and how the EU can help improve their lives.

Tax dodgers under fire 17 November 2017, 00:16 CET
Luxleaks, the Panama Papers, and now the Paradise Papers. Enough tax dodging to build quite a few hospitals, schools and other infrastructure. Yet the speed and enthusiasm with which EU governments have rushed to tackle tax evasion and avoidance underwhelmed MEPs this week.

The resilience of European tourism 29 September 2017, 00:17 CET
World Tourism Day on 27th September exists to foster awareness internationally of the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value. The UN designated 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

EU's priority is a positive agenda for the 27, not Brexit 18 May 2017, 23:58 CET
There was much talk this week of the beginning of a fightback against the populists in Europe.

Who was celebrating Europe Day this year? 11 May 2017, 23:18 CET
In the UK the only official Europe Day event took place in Scotland, which voted overwhelmingly to remain in the EU in last year's Brexit referendum. And a large EU flag was hung from Maidenhead Bridge near here.

French elections threat to Europe's future 05 May 2017, 00:03 CET
A new museum of European history opens to the public on 6 May, a day before Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron play their final duel in the second round of the French presidential election.

Time to revaluate the EU's relationship with Turkey 28 April 2017, 00:32 CET
With concerns mounting over the state of democracy in Turkey, the European Parliament this week debated options for future relations with the long-standing candidate for EU membership.

Fake news wins elections 21 April 2017, 12:14 CET
As elections take centre stage in Europe, the issue of fake news and the proliferation of deliberate misinformation on the Internet become a central issue.

Troubled times incite intolerance 09 March 2017, 17:14 CET
International Women's Day Wednesday was an occasion for the EU to reaffirm its strong commitment to gender equality.

Solutions for Europe's future that the public can understand 16 February 2017, 23:29 CET
The European Parliament responded to the pressing challenges facing the EU by approving three resolutions Thursday which explored the future development of the EU.

Europe first 19 January 2017, 18:07 CET
In a week in which U.S. president Donald Trump starts work on "making American great again", Europe debated its own future in the European Parliament this week.

Putin the real winner from Trump-Brexit axis 20 December 2016, 00:13 CET
This year has been a dispiriting one for the EU. The implications of the votes on Brexit and the American presidency for Europe's economy and its security are still being evaluated.

US-EU data transfer deal set for speedy implementation 02 December 2016, 12:11 CET
The European Parliament gave its final green light to the historic EU-U.S. Data Protection 'Umbrella Agreement' on Thursday, despite concerns over whether president-elect Donald Trump might be less keen on its implementation.

Brexit II horror movie opens in the U.S. 10 November 2016, 21:43 CET
Brexit II, sequel to the first Brexit horror movie shot in the United Kingdom, opened in the United States this week to shock and derision from most critics, though to some acclaim in Russia.

Europe need not be afraid of data 29 September 2016, 17:15 CET
"Europe should not be afraid of data" said EU Commissioner Andrus Ansip at the Digital Assembly 2016 in Bratislava, Slovakia this week.

Progress not possible without international cooperation 09 June 2016, 23:06 CET
Looking at the various developments in Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg this week, it is clear that the only way to progress in this globalised world is through international cooperation.

High marks for investment plan creating jobs & growth in Europe 03 June 2016, 11:38 CET
The European Commission this week announced it would build on the successful first year of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), extending it beyond 2018.

Single market gaps exposed by geo-blocking plan 26 May 2016, 23:28 CET
Geo-blocking, refusing to sell to people living in other EU countries, is to be outlawed under plans to boost e-commerce in Europe. But what this proposal does is to expose the many remaining gaps in the Single Market.

Nick Prag

Nick Prag

Nick Prag is founder and managing editor of Prior to EUbusiness, he was senior editor at Europe Online SA in Luxembourg, where he played a major part in the launch of Europe Online International.