As an employee, you have rights. Click here for three reasons why you might decide to open legal proceedings against your employer.

The world of work can be a confusing place. We trust our employers to treat us well and fairly no matter what kind of situation we may be facing. However, sometimes things aren’t always this way and we feel that we have been treated unfairly. When this happens, we may seek to make a claim against our employer. Here are some of the reasons why you could decide to open such proceedings.

Unfair Dismissal

One of the most common reasons why someone would choose to make a claim against their employer is over what they believe to be unfair dismissal. If you are fired, you need to be given a clear reason as to why your employers have chosen to take this action.

If you think that the reason they give you is insufficient, you could open a claim of unfair dismissal against them. Such a claim would need to be fought in an employment tribunal or could result in an employment settlement agreement if both parties are willing to reach a conclusion instead of fight.

Improper Behaviour

There are many ways an employer could behave improperly. From sexual harassment to bullying in the workplace to discrimination, there are many reasons why a person may choose to open a claim against their employer.

Everyone deserves to be treated like an equal in their place of work. If you have been denied access to something you require or you feel like you are being put down to the detriment of your own ability to work, you could make a claim. Joining a trade union will help you to ensure that you are treated fairly by your employer at all times.

Accidents or Injuries in the Workplace

Your employer has the responsibility to ensure that your place of work is safe and conforming to health and safety regulations at all times. Even so, accidents can happen. If your injuries are particularly severe, you may be left unable to work and in pain for the rest of your life.

Opening a claim against your employer can bring you a little closure about the accident. It can also ensure that such an accident never happens again. Taking legal action against your employees for a mistake they made is a great way to ensure that protocols are updated and new company legislation is put in place. You could prevent the same accident happening again to someone else in the future. This small fact could bring you great peace of mind and will allow you to return to your recovery with a boost to your mindset.

Making a claim on your employer can be a daunting prospect but you should definitely do so if you are in the right. Don’t be afraid to stand up to someone even if they have managerial power over you. Any of the points above are fantastic reasons for you to lodge a claim against your employer. If you think you have the grounds for a case, don’t hesitate to contact a solicitor today.

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