Brussels presents blueprint for EU's future digital infrastructures

Margrethe Vestager – Photo © European Union 2024

(BRUSSELS) – The European Commission presented a set of possible actions Wednesday aimed at fostering the innovation, security and resilience of digital infrastructures.

“In Europe we still have 27 national telco markets with different network architectures, different levels of network coverage, different national spectrum management, and different regulations. This fragmentation is a missed economic opportunity,” said EC vice-president Margrethe Vestager: ” With the White paper we have identified various policy solutions to help the creation of a Single Market for Telcos. This will help since we need a digital infrastructure that provides secure, fast, and reliable connectivity – to everyone, everywhere in Europe.”

Fast, secure, and widespread connectivity is essential for the deployment of the technologies that will bring us into tomorrow’s world: telemedicine, automated driving, predictive maintenance of buildings, or precision agriculture, says the Commission.

The new digital connectivity package will start a discussion on concrete proposals with stakeholders, Member States and like-minded partners on how to shape future EU policy action with a view to achieving a consensus:

  • The White Paper on “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” analyses the challenges Europe currently faces in the rollout of future connectivity networks, and presents possible scenarios to attract investments, foster innovation, increase security, and achieve a true Digital Single Market.
  • The Recommendation on the security and resilience of submarine cable infrastructures presents a set of actions at national and EU level aimed at improving submarine cable security and resilience, through a better coordination across the EU, both in terms of governance and funding.

The White Paper envisages the creation of a “Connected Collaborative Computing” Network (“3C Network”) to set up end-to-end integrated infrastructures and platforms for telco cloud and edge, which could be used to orchestrate the development of innovative technologies and AI applications for various use cases.

An aim is to better leverage synergies between existing initiatives, such as the IPCEI on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services, and funding programmes such as the Connecting Europe Facility and Digital Europe. This could include a possible coordinating role for the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU) to support the creation of a collaborative connectivity and computing ecosystem.  

The EU executive says the EU should consider measures to ensure a true level playing field in the digital single market for telecoms and rethink the scope of application and objectives of its current regulatory framework. This reflection should take into account the technology convergence between telecoms and cloud, which are nonetheless subject to different regulatory frameworks, as well as the need to ensure all operators investing in digital infrastructure can benefit from the necessary scale to undertake massive investments. This could entail a more harmonised approach to authorisation procedures of telecoms operators, a more integrated governance at Union level for spectrum and possible changes in wholesale access policy. The Commission may also consider measures to accelerate the copper switch-off by 2030, and to foster the greening of digital networks by improving their efficiency.

The Commission puts forward ideas to incentivise the deployment and enhance the security and resilience of strategic submarine cable infrastructures. A joint EU governance system may be considered in the longer term, together with a review of available instruments designed to better leverage private investments to support Cable Projects of European Interest (CPEIs).

The Commission has launched a public consultation on 12 scenarios set out in the White Paper. The consultation is due to close on 30 June 2024. The submissions will be published and will contribute to the future policy actions.

White Paper “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?”

Recommendation on the security and resilience of submarine cable infrastructures


Connectivity package - guide

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