Standard chargers for electric cars would be a major step towards a single European electric vehicle market, says a resolution adopted by the European Parliament on Thursday.

Smart electricity grids would also make these vehicles easier to use. More broadly, MEPs call for a balanced development of related technologies with more EU support to innovation in this field.

Electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids are a major option in the broader strategy to curb CO2 emissions, contributing to the Europe 2020 priorities of developing a more resource-efficient and greener economy.

European standards as a minimum, global standards as the goal

The resolution – backed by six political groups and adopted by show of hands – supports the goal of setting a European standard by 2011 for recharging electric vehicles, which will guarantee interoperability and the safety of infrastructure. It also calls on the Commission to strive for global standards wherever possible.

MEPs urge support for research and innovation into batteries, with improvement of electric networks by introducing smart grids. The aim should be a single electric vehicle market that avoids incompatible schemes or standards.

The development of electric cars should be well balanced, focused on reduction of congestion, energy consumption, CO2 and other emissions, but not neglecting other types of vehicles, such as e-bikes, trams and trains.

Public service vehicle fleets should take the lead

National governments and other authorities, including the EU institutions could stimulate the demand by replace their public services fleet of combustion vehicles with electric vehicles, while the EU institutions should also roll out the infrastructure as soon as standards are in place.

Document also calls on the Commission to provide a comprehensive calculation of overall CO2 emissions of electric vehicles and emphasises that standardisation of electric cars technologies should not hinder further innovation of conventional vehicle engines.

European Parliament resolution on electric vehicles

Adopted Text

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